
Friday, 26 July 2013

2013 Baltic Cruise - Part 6

2013 Baltic Cruise

Days 8 -  14th May 2013

From what I could see as we entered Tallinn – I knew this was going to be one of my highlights of this cruise – I normally get a feeling when entering a port if it’s going to be a good day or not.

It all started with the P & O Arcadia docking right next to us - awesome - always wanted to have pics of two cruise ships alongside each other – I seem to be at the right place at the right time.

Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. Tallinn’s prime attraction is the preserved Old City, which was built between 15th & 17th centuries. 

Well I had a good feeling and I was right – from get go the people I met at the tourist sights and in the shops were friendly and spoke perfect English.

I did walking tour of the old city.

Wonderful walk about-the city is really stunning.

Quite few churches to explore – my favourite thing to do – but the one that stood out was most definitely the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Unfortunately no photographs can be taken of the inside. I suppose I could have - but I respected the instructions and did not do so – there was a service being conducted anyway – very moving indeed.
Bought a nice little booklet - from which I have scanned a few pics.

1900: Consecration of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
1912: Last visit by Tsar Nikolai ll
1917: Bishop Paul Kulbusch is ordained as the 1st Orthodox bishop of Estonian descent
1961: Alexius is ordained as bishop
2000: Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral 

Spent a good part of the morning wondering around and headed back to the ship for lunch, and then did a further exploration of Tallinn.

Some great little stalls at the very modern cruise terminal – bought a gift or two.

Next stop St Petersburg – but not before a roaring send off from the P & O Arcadia – we were to meet again in St Petersburg.

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